Ryan’s Reminders
Reminder Attributes/Information
- Type
- Target
- Specific location(s) or people selected
- Recurrence
- Ask HK leads if start on field is needed
- Ends
- Never
- On a specific day
- After x # of occurrences
- V2: add repeat every X# "turns" (instead of week/day/month)
- Requirements
- Take photo for validation
- Reminders can be completed by submitting photos
- Extra items needed
- Description
- Informs housekeepers of what additional items or tools they need to collect before leaving HQ
- Attachments
- Require a photo for completion
- Min 1, no max
- Ability to attach multiple photos
- Creator
- Date created
- Status
- Ability to edit, delete, duplicate and edit duplication
- For edit mode, you cannot add people
- Examples:
- Ex: Clean outdoor area, remind to put key fob back in lockbox or check for parking pass
- HK leadership needs a way to
- create the reminders
- add credits to reminders
- edit reminders
- duplicate and edit reminders
- delete/deactivate reminders
- view all created reminders
- filter list
- organize list
- know when reminders are completed
- view photos submitted
- request a retake/redo
- Housekeepers need to
- know what extra supplies to pack before leaving HQ
- know what the reminder is and where it should happen
- be able to complete the reminder
- submit photographic evidence of completion